Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is consultation or estimation free?

A1. Of course, consultations and estimation are free of charge. Please feel free to contact us.


Q2. How much is the production cost?

A2.  It will also change depending on these factors. The size of the illustration, taste and touch (atmosphere of illustration finish such as three-headed manga style or seven-headed realistic feeling), single color or full color, drawing condition, purpose of use, amount and delivery date. Complex ones are more time-consuming than simple ones. Also, the more realistic taste than the comical one, the more preparatory work such as collecting materials and taking poses to make the person look natural, so the production cost will be increased accordingly. It will be made to order from one point, but I will respond as flexibly as possible to match your budget. Please feel free to contact me.


<Reference price>

・ Small cut 20-100 USD

・ Standard illustrations 60-300 USD

・ Cover design 300-800 USD

・ Large illustrations such as posters 500 to 1200  USD

・ Caricature 50-100 USD

・ Character design 80-300 USD

* Prices may fluctuate depending on the content. Please contact us for details.


Q3. Do you need a meeting?

A3. I think there is no problem with production just by emails.

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Q4. How long ago should I request?

A4. If it is a simple cut, I think that it can be handled even the day before you need it, but it may be difficult depending on the content and points of your request, the situation here and the delivery date. I would appreciate it if you could contact us as soon as possible.


Q5. Can you make it according to our taste and touch?

A5. I will do my best to accommodate different tastes, touches, and three-dimensional expressions. Basically, it will be a flat 2D illustration using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.


Q6. Is it possible to cancel?

A6. Cancellation is possible. If you cancel after I start the work under mutual agreement, you may incur the production cost for the work up to that point because it is made to order.

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Q7. What is the flow of illustration production?

A7. I will make a draft in Photoshop and propose it according to the contents of your request. Drafts are usually black and white line drawings. Make adjustments if necessary, and if there are no problems, I will start finishing work in Illustrator or Photoshop. Please check the finish, adjust if necessary, and deliver if there is no problem. Please refer to the production process.


Q8. How can I receive the illustrations?

A8. Basically, it will be sent by attaching it to an e-mail, but if the size of the illustration file becomes large, you can receive it via a server or a cloud service.


Q9. What is the file format of the illustration?

A9. Basically, the illustration is finished with Adobe Illustrator, so it will be a file format that Illustrator can output such as AI, EPS, PDF, JPEG, PNG. I can also finish it in Photoshop. If you have a specified file format, version, etc., please let me know.

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Q10. How should I pay?

A10. Paypal is available. I would appreciate if you could pay as soon as possible.



Q11. Can you correct the finished illustration?

A11. I will respond free of charge for color schemes, position size adjustments, and minor additions. Changes in taste and touch, elimination of contour lines, changes in head and body, changes in composition, etc. are major corrections, so additional costs and correction costs may be incurred. Please contact me for details.


Q12. Are there any restrictions on the use of illustrations?

A12. If you use the product for a purpose different from what you asked for, you will be charged a secondary usage fee. The secondary usage fee is 20% of the production cost.

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Q13. Is there an expiration date for the illustrations?

A13. There is no specific expiration date.


Q14. What about the copyright of the illustrations?

A14. Unless there is a special contract, all copyrights of works such as illustrations are usually owned by the creator, Yutaka Yamawaki, and are protected by copyright laws. Please contact us if you would like to purchase the illustration including the copyright or the illustration without the copyright.


Q15. Is it possible to make an order from an individual?

A15. I also accept requests from individual customers, including advertising agencies and publishers. Please feel free to contact us.

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Q16. What are your evaluations and achievements?

A16. I have more than 130 transactions since the opening of the business, and I have actual results of 20 years. I respond sincerely to all requested projects and deliver them without delay, which has been well received by our clients. The image below shows the actual use of the danger prediction illustration created at the request of Child Safety Town Development Partners. It was very popular with children.



Q17. Is there a policy for illustration production?

A17. As for the production policy, I believe that it is my top priority to give shape to the image according to the request of the client, except when I can leave everything to me. I hope my illustrations will be useful for something, which may be exaggerated, but I would like to contribute to society with illustrations.


Q18. Can I arrange and use the illustrations posted?

A18. In order to avoid troubles, the reuse of illustrations created in the past or the use of some of them arranged are limited to the same client.  If you would like a similar touch, I will make it again, so please let me know.


Q19. How is personal information handled?

A19. I will not use it for anything other than what is necessary for the progress of production. I will handle it strictly, protect it from leakage to the outside, and manage it appropriately. Also, please be assured that I will respond promptly if you receive a request for deletion.


Q20. I can't connect to the phone, what's happening?

A20.  apologize for the inconvenience, but I don't accept calling from overseas because of my literacy for foreign launguages.


Q21. Is it possible to buy illustrations including the copyright?

A21. Yes, it is possible. Regarding the purchase cost, I am considering about 50% of the production cost. In addition, I usually think that the moral rights of the author (right not to modify the work without permission (identity retention right), etc.) will not be transferred even if purchased, but depending on the contract, the moral rights of the author may not be transferred. Please contact me.


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design and illustration  YUTAKA YAMAWAKI

About Copyright

All materials contained on this website may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without permission. Private use or “fair use” only. For more information, please send me e-mail. Thank you.

Copyright ©2022 Yutaka Yamawaki All Rights Reserved.